The 2.3.3 version is now live!
We recommend all Factory I/O users to update to this latest stable release, which includes many bug fixes reported by the community, as well as several enhancements.
Release Notes
- Fixed RFID tags of boxes being out of place when created by emitters with Random Part Orientation set.
- Fixed Selector not loading correctly when Configuration is set to 3 Position (A) or 3 Position (B).
- Fixed Palletizer elevator not moving when Moving to Limit is set to true and Elevator (+) and Elevator (-) is set during the same controller scan.
- Fixed OPC UA duplicated nodes when browsing some servers.
- Siemens analog values are round to closest integer when standardizing WORD (Numerical Data Type).
- Added Resolution Scale to Video Options. This feature allows to increase performance by lowering graphics quality. Useful when running Factory I/O on low-end graphics cards or at high resolutions (higher than Full HD).