Factory I/O 2.3.1 is now live! We recommend all Factory I/O users to update to this latest stable release, which includes many bug fixes reported by the community, as well as several enhancements.
Release Notes
- Fixed Light Array sensor not working properly when rotated using the rotation gizmo.
- Fixed Retroreflective sensor graphics (dashed line) not matching the sensor range.
- Curved Belt Conveyors now run at a fraction of the performance cost when compared to the previous version.
- Fixed Two-Axis Pick & Place minor graphics issues.
- Removed Conveyor Scale noise on weighting value when without load.
- Fixed RFID Reader not detecting tags when placed at some zones of the detection field.
- Improved RFID Reader field graphics.
- Fixed Elevator not working after being rotated.
- Fixed Metal Lids not stacking correctly.
- Two-Axis Pick & Place can now handle correctly metal items.
- Inductive sensors no longer detect FP camera (when enabled by the console command camera.fp_camera = 1).
- Vision Sensor field graphics now match the sensor frustum.
- Fixed several issues when executing undo commands with several parts selected.
- Fixed being able to enable FP and fly cameras when TimeScale was active.
- Fly camera is no longer detected when camera.fp_camera = 1
- Fixed context menu not showing when using FP or fly cameras.
To see the complete list of bug fixes, improvements, and changes, check the Release Notes.