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User Interface

This page is intended to give you an overview of the user interface elements. All parts of CONTROL I/O are visible by default, providing you with a simple user interface to get acquainted and work with.


1. Menu

New Creates a new diagram.
Open... Opens a file dialog for choosing the diagram file to load.
Save Opens a file dialog for saving the current diagram file.
Save As Opens a file dialog for saving the current diagram file with a new name.
Print Opens the print menu for printing the current diagram.
Exit Closes the application.
Undo Reverses the last operation.
Redo Reverses the last undo operation.
Clear Logger Clears the logger.
Copy Copies the selected part of the diagram into the clipboard.
Cut Removes the selected portion of the diagram and stores a copy of it to the clipboard.
Paste Paste diagram content available on the clipboard onto the current diagram.
Select All Selects the entire diagram.
Zoom In Expands the canvas.
Zoom Out Contracts the canvas.
Default Zoom Sets the default zoom.
Show Overview Shows/hides the diagram overview.
Here you can find general information about CONTROL I/O and available documentation.

2. Toolbar

The toolbar is used to control the execution of the diagram. Note that, when SYNC. FACTORY I/O option is checked (see Blocks Palette > SETTINGS) the toolbar also controls FACTORY I/O.

Button Action
play Starts the diagram execution.
pause Pauses the diagram execution.
reset Resets the diagram execution.
step Advances the diagram execution one step (each time the button is clicked).

3. Blocks Palette

Block Type Description
Sources Blocks used to generate data.
You will find a different block for each data type supported and also blocks providing system time and cycle time.
Tags I/O points available in FACTORY I/O (sensor and actuator tags).
These are automatically detected by CONTROL I/O.
Memories Used to story values during the execution of the program.
Function Blocks Function blocks describing a function between inputs and outputs.
Can be logical, arithmetic, timers, counters...
Utils Provides a Note and Reset block.
Settings Diagram execution settings
SYNC. FACTORY I/O: execution of FACTORY I/O is synchronized with the execution of the diagram.
SYNC. TIMERS: timers are synchronized with FACTORY I/O.
This means that when FACTORY I/O is running in slow motions timers take into account the time scale.
CYCLE TIME (ms): diagram update cycle time.
Values can range between 10 and 10000.
UI OPACITY: sets the amount of UI opacity.

4. Canvas

Where a controller diagram is drawn. It allows performing the most common editing operations, such as panning, zooming, creating, deleting, selecting and moving blocks.

5. Canvas Overview

The canvas overview allows getting a visual representation of the entire diagram and which part is currently visible. It can also be used to quickly pan to a specific part of the diagram (Left/right click and hold).

6. Properties

Displays properties and relevant information about the selected block.

7. Logger

Displays useful information during execution.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Actions

Keyboard Shortcut / Mouse Action Command
Ctrl+N Create a new diagram
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Alt+S Save As
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+Q Quit
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+E Clear Logger
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl++ or Mouse Wheel Up Zoom In
Ctrl+- or Mouse Wheel Down Zoom Out
Ctrl+0 Default Zoom
Ctrl+T Show/Hide Overview Window
Right Button+Drag Pan